Michael Moore,
I was sent the video by someone who felt that the discord between various parties on GCA.com was not what was intended.
They asked me to post it, which I did.
I didn't see it as offensively as you and others did.
However, once I saw the reaction from some, I removed it.
I've tried, dozens of times, to reduce and eliminate the discord between the parties engaged in the Merion threads.
Perhaps the over the top video, a parody, will get them to see their behavior in the same light as you see the video parody.
I like ALL of those mentioned in the video.
Had I been mentioned, I would not have hesitated in posting it.
David, Tom, Mike and others have gone too far in personal attacks on others, and over what ? ....... A golf course ?.......
Criticize perception, taste, reasoning, facts and conclusions, but keep personalization out of the criticisms.