Wanting to know why SHGC plays more like links-dunesland than WS is all about the sub soil or sand. Sand Hills is just that, sand, deep and drains naturally and rapidly. WS is somewhat sand capped over native clayey loam, not very good perculating ground. The amount of drainage under WS and Irish is mindboggling because it must have that much to drain. And believe me, this several weeks to months stretch of rain around here has been monsoonlike for us. The turf at WS was originally planted as fescue/rye on the sandcapped with clayey subsoil. Some turf head would have to tell you all the rationale for the conversion now to Bent FWs and Greens of specific cultivars, along with intermediate roughs and bunker surrounds of stricktly blues. But, it takes a heck of a lot more fertility and water, which seems to me will alter the play of the course even from the 04 PGA. We'll just have to wait and see.
Bottom line on why SH and WS are so different is because they are two completely different swards of turf over two completely different terrain and soil characteristics, one being 100% natural and one being 100% manufactured and engineered.