Mr. Moore you are spot on correct. It is exactly like the human body. I am the super at Mr. Johnson's course in N.C. and he is quoting info from my most recent email to the membership. It has been extremely hot this summer but the bigger culprit is the constant humidity and lack of air circulation. The equation when dealing with bentgrass is simple (Heat + No Air Movement = No Grass).
Welcome Matt. It pains me to know that Carl posted that here and didn't ask you directly. Whether me meant to do this or not, it makes it seem like he doesn't trust you to do your job. I hope that is not the case. The part of my post that I was worried about was my comment about the water in the green causing it to heat up more than the dry air. Is that the case where the water can cause additional heating in the green and cause more stress on the turf?
John, it should not pain you and I am sorry that it apparently did. Note that in my initial post I quoted from Matt.
I respect and trust Matt and, of course, that's why I quoted his explanation about why air circulation helps the greens. I have absolutely no doubt on the circulation issue. If you'll look at my question, it had to do with mechanics of the air circulation promoted by the fans. Sure, I could have asked Matt. I ask him questions from time to time and always get a pleasant, straight, helpful answer. I just thought it would be an interesting topic for the GCA. Ian Larson did address my question. Thanks, Ian. From a common sense standpoint, my thinking was the house example was likely not a good analogy. I had not thought of it in terms of a vacuum, but that makes sense to me. My conclusion was that if you were taking air away from the green, then you'd be drawing from somewhat of an infinite space, unlike a house, and impact on the green would be negligible.
Another question, which I know Matt could answer, but might be of interest to others here, so I'll ask it now, has to do with how much air is moved and how quickly, sort of a breeze equivalent, by a fan (of which I am sure there are many sizes)?
When my interest in fans was piqued, I took a look on this board to see what I could find. In my initial post I put in a link to an earlier discussion, which seemed to "dump" on fans, or the need for them. Rather than get that thread going again, I decided to start a new one. I don't necessarily want to revisit the issues raised there, but I will say that I strongly disagree with those who believe that the presence of fans necessarily indicates the wrong grass on the greens, bad architecture, and second rate courses, but right now I don't want to get into those arguments.
And, of course, welcome Matt to the GCA.