Gentlemen, as a Superintendent I can honestly say there is a time for firm and fast, and a time to exercise good judgement and be conservative. This has been the hottest summer since 1988, according to the USGA. Firm and fast is wonderful, but only when the weather permits. Loosing turf is not fun and puts alot of members and managers in difficult positions. On an old golf course, in order to accomplish firm and fast conditoins on a daily basis, one would have to regrass. Poa annua does not enjoy these conditions will check out for good if you are not careful.
There are alot of Supers out there who are trying to reduce their inputs. This is the responsible thing to do, both environmentally and financially. There have been many occassions this year where that has not been allowed to be the case. Excessive temperatures and humidity have caused problems, atleast they have in the Northeast. I have always discussed firm and fast with my membership without too much resistance. Most of us have to walk a fine line between aesthetics and playability. Without cooperative weather that can be a very tall order.