Am I alone. Am I the only one worried when I watch players Teeing off at the 18th at TOC and seeing their ball finish on the 18th Green?
The R&A say there has been no change since 2002, Quite frankly I do not care, my own eyes tell me that change and control of technology is required NOW or all our golf courses within the next five years will become nothing more than glorified Pitch and Putt courses.
If this happens it will be the legacy of the R&A, they would have watched The Home of Golf being destroyed while they did nothing. I hope the Town of St Andrews in conjunction with the Links Trust fight back and kick the R&A out of St Andrews, Fife and GB for they will if not careful have been responsible for the demise of the great game of golf which they are meant to be protecting.
Can these people really be that blind, can they not see these performances in front of their eyes.
Roll back should , I believe be gauges to the game as it was at the turn of the 19th Century at the time of the introduction of the Haskell. The alternative is to re-build nearly every course certainly in GB&I – it is just not possible or currently financially viable, but equipment (ball/club) certainly is.
I think we are closer to forcing a decision than anyone really realised, It will not just be our courses fighting to survive but the very structure and being of the R&A. IMHO more is at stake when golfers realise, that we are now standing on the precipice due to ignorance and inaction of those we all thought knew better.
I do not know how the rest of the DG members feel but I feel a sense of being kept in the dark, of the real facts being hidden from us - quite simply put I feel betrayed.