Wolf Point has shared fwys and a double green, fall away greens, hidden center line bunkers, and both Mike Nuzzo and I wanted WP to play like TOC. Obviously, there are a ton of differences in soil, climate, appearance, and the architecture itself, but we did a good job of doing what we set out to do.
I have guests out all the time, local guys who aren't students of golf course architecture. I'm telling you they love WP. And I think a course like WP, with a few changes for the realities of public golf, would go over great. Everyone thinks golfers only want all the crap we complain about here, lush grass, waterfalls, goodies, and all the rest of that BS. Yup, if that's what your selling of course you’re going to say that's what they want. But golfers also love to play "real" golf and maybe they just don't realize it until they experience it. I'm sure the crowd that says you need free sodas, beer, and fish tacos on every tee would have said Bandon had no chance when the idea first came out. They missed on that one and they'll miss when someone has the guts to build a WP type course for public play.