This whole situation is insane! The original price tag was $7 MM, then they tacked on a new irrigation system for the South Course and it went up to $9 MM. Suddenly it crept up again to $12 MM. They put the job out to bid and the two biggest golf course construction companies in the US bid $16 and $18 MM??? Now the City has asked for another $2 MM and will see what the companies say can be done for $14 MM, just to rebuild the 18 greens to USGA spec, relocate the bunkers and redo the tees??? I realize the "fair wage" stipulation has inflated the price, but how you can't get this done for $14 MM is staggering. How costly is ripping up unused grass areas, spreading some decomposed granite and planting a few native shrubs? I can see that any regrading will be very costly as the site has horrible soil covered by exactly 6" of top soil. They also wanted to move a couple of greens closer to the canyon edge, again how costly can this be when you're rebuilding the green anyways?