> Golf Course Architecture

John Reid: first pro in Philadelphia (and he laid out/fixed up many courses)

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Mike Cirba:

Here's what I have;

Philmont - 1907, 1909
Llanerch - 1901
Wilmington - 1901
Atlantic City - 1897
Fox Hill - 1921

I believe most of the rest were between 1897 and 1910.

I have seen John Reid's name on a couple of courses, and wondered if he was related to the gentleman who laid out the original St. Andrews Golf Club course in New York.  Apparently not as there is no mention of it here ... even as much as Philadelphia writers hate New York, you would think if the two were related, the writer would have been compelled to mention it."


As Mike Trenham comprehensively documented, John Reid, the very early Philadelphia pro, was definitely NOT related to John Reid, the apparent father of St Andrews in New York.

However, since both of them were certainly very much involved in and quite important to early American golf and architecture it might be very interesting for someone to do a "compare and contrast" piece on the two. If one did that accurately I'm afraid it would be pretty light on the "compare" side and very heavy on the "contrast" side!

Since John Reid, the pro, was one of the very early pros (greenkeeper) at my club, GMGC, I might give it a shot someday.

Tom MacWood:
I recently found a 9/1909 blurb in American Golfer that mentioned the projects HH Barker was working on at the time. I knew of them all (including Bedford Springs) except one - the remodeling of Philmont. I understand Philmont added a second nine in 1908/1909 and also implemented a new bunkering scheme later in 1909. In that past I've seen John Reid credited for the first and second nine.

Was Barker involved in adding the second nine or the new bunkering scheme, or both?

I've come across this Reid a couple of times and wondered if there was any relationship with the John Reid of St. Andrews GC (NY).

Tom MacWood:
To my knowledge there is no relation.


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