Maybe long hitters should try hitting something less than a driver. Not every par four needs to allow you to the big stick with no fear of retribution. I am not a long hitter by any means, but I comfortably hit 3-wood--7-iron into 17. The hole is not about length at all, and there is plenty of room for those who lay back.
17 was my favorite hole at Royal Dornoch. The tee shot is funky, but there is plenty of room out there to miss. The drop-off presents multiple options to the player, and the blind aspect of the tee shot makes it fun. The second shot is also fun, uphill and blind to a wild green. This green was one of my favorites on the course. Is the 17th particularly strategic? No, but it is lots of fun.
16 is also very neat for its strategy: flirt with the cliff and quarry on the left, and you will have the best angle into the green. I was a fan.
I think the 7th is the weakest hole on the course by a good margin. However, the green is far from uninteresting, and the hole is not poor by any standard.
I don't think the "16 Hole Course" moniker works at Dornoch. RDGC is solid from start to finish. Every green is full of interest and keeps the golfer the honest.