Mannies is a fine course. To me the real flavor of it is in those par 3s.
The Forse/Mannies project in the last some years has done a wonderful job with tree removal, really expanding some short grass areas in the approaches and around some greens.
There were 2-3 greens that had a few areas that used to be craaazy but they toned them down some. I particularly recall that back tier on #9 and the 17th green with some pins.
I wouldn't exactly say I miss it but I do remember fondly that massive tree at the front left of the 13th green. It made that hole probably the only semi-dog leg left par 3 I ever saw!

The other thing I understand Mannies made some real strides with recently is somehow fixing the real over-flow problems they used to have down on the second hole. That could create some real problems sort of akin to the way the river holes at Flynn's Lancaster used to be, sometimes necessitating the use of what was known as the "Sunset Six" which I understand are mostly not used or even there anymore.
When you get right down to it Flynn was pretty danged clever in the way he routed courses with rivers and creeks and such running through them. Think about them all.