It goes without saying that this website and the study of golf arcitecture makes one look at a golf course with a different eye. Instead of judging a course by its greenness, "fairness", and the number of flowers planted, we now look for things like subtlety, strategery, and how well the holes fit in with the environment.
This morning as I was waking up, I was thinking about how much I enjoy sitting on the front porch of my apartment and reading the newspaper with my dog. For whatever reason, I got to thinking about the connection between good golf architecture and the rest of life. I think since I've been a little more keen on minimalism in golf design, I've appreciated nice buildings more than I used to. I can appreciate a well laid out neighborhood, an expensive, but not outlandish home, and the subtleties in an on building that you just don't see from 1960's era construction.
This post may not make any sense, but I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm glad GCA has made me appreciate the finer things in life.