Sorry old friend but all I need is to find one incidence to prove my claim. If I find two plus then my case is proven. In the case of Prestwick they have more than the above two, all in glorious colour and wait for it, moving images as well.
Scott, You are always good at challenging others but when challenged you come out with statements like “None of that proves your claim,” – well that’s your humble opinion, I feel I have provided more than would be required for a court of law.
What some of you seem to miss is that golf is not just a game to my family, it’s a way of life. Not many on this site have ever really consider that, so are at odds with me before I even begin. Neither is our interest in the game restricted to just one individual in history but encompasses many of the great names of the past. Allen Robertson is a product of the Morris Family some two generation earlier by marring a Morris so had a connection to Old Tom. For nearly a century my family has been promoting golf and designing golf courses (George & Jack Morris; Charlie Hunter & John; Robert and John Hunter {Darien USA}; and not forgetting old Willie Rusack) for both the general public and Private Clients alike. The family aim was not to get rich quickly but to introduce people to the Game of Golf. Perhaps that does not sit well with the greedy times we live in today where each is out for what he/she can get. But that’s not mine or my late father way.
Golf is far more than a game to me. My family is from St Andrews, the back door of my grandmothers and fathers home was adjacent Old Tom Shop across the road from the 18th Green of TOC, a few yards further is the R&A Club House full of trophies many from my family.
Yet I am just an ordinary bloke, I claim no special treatment, in fact have arranged more courtesy of the course for others but never claimed any for myself. Where possible I try to help those on this site, share information that might be of interest to some, open my arms to new members with photos and maps of St Andrews to enable them to understand the location of the courses and hotels etc. Yet surprisingly less than half ever acknowledge my efforts.
Of course I am going to have some strong feeling for the game and more so how the game is played and given the opportunity I will fight for the game. As for the Belt that’s personal, that’s family. In the years of 1860-70 it was won seven times by the Morris’s and finally outright by Young Tommy in 1870. It’s was the pride of place of Old Tom while he lived, it still was with my father and now me. Of course, even the replica I want to see go to a true sportsman, my campaign is not all about Tiger just that he has been the most visible and worst offender in the last year so I lead with him. But is this about honouring the old past Champions or a cynical approach by Prestwick Golf Club to generate publicity, stating, we are still here come and visit us. Initially I did not believe this to be the case but now I wonder about their true motive, where as I am just seeking to protect my family and the pride and honour we still feel for the Championship Belt.
Tell me Michael what are you doing to make our golf course safer, sorry did not get that I though you said Sweet F*@k All. No problems, say and think what you like, why not indeed after all you just play the game and nothing else.
Whatever, I may be right, I may be wrong but I am standing up for what I believe in, attack that and not me, but of course you guys will always try and score point ignoring the game you say you so care for.
To others the Game of Golf like life and breathing is by its nature a repetitive game, live with it and my comments or just do not read them.