Randy, this kinda thing has been around in one form or another for years, only now, the digital age allows for it to be brought to the surface. By and large, most architects do not talk down the competition because, not only is it bad form, it makes all look petty. Like Jason said, they will probably get the Jobs from Hell. Once they get it, they will either under-perform (the un-eduacated client always thinks he should be getting more service) by listing a fixed fee. "I thought that was included" will be heard over and over. Or be forced into much more uncompensated service.
A main reason why it is disingenuous to quote fixed-fee, site unseen is that with golf courses, everyone is different. While 2 site visits may be satisfactory if just a tee is being built, what if a Master Plan proposed moving a green or hole! What if the client isn't in agreement with what the Master Plan proposes? How much for re-work? Does a schedule and cost estimate come included? I did a Master Plan once that required 5 yrs of scheduling because the owner wanted to redo 36, add nine and move the clubhouse/range (and keep 36 in play at all times).
If this is ever brought up by a prospective client, simply explain you can't quote a fee until you know what the scope of work is and if they know of someone else who can, do they know where you might get one of them Crystal Balls too?
Better yet, ask if you can do the construction work T & M.
My bet is that they will get some low budget work that will be frought with problems and nothing good will come of it. Sure, it sounds good on paper but anyone with any experience would run, not walk, away that kind of marketing. Besides, it makes them sound really desperate - if they were that good, wouldn't they have work?