Rich -
You asked:
Was Bobby Jones really a "God" or just a tempestous rich kid who could really play golf.....
As an Atlantan, an assessment of Jones is not easy. From everything I've heard over the years - and I knew and know several men who were very close personal friends of Jones - he was a wonderful guy. Fun-loving, unpretentious, gracious.
The model of a "southern" gentleman.
Which is why I've always been a little uncomfortable about the unrestrainted praise Jones gets in Atlanta and elewhere.
The praise for Jones has always sounded to me a little like the praise that R.E. Lee got (gets) from southerners. He too embodied the graciousness and values of the "southern" gentleman.
Problem is, of course, that RE Lee spent the last years of his life defending an abhorent institution.
I don't mean to draw the parallels too closely. Certainly Jones never fought to preserve the institution of slavery. But he did live in a tumultuous era in Atlanta and never raised his voice. Other men from his social milieu did. Ralph Magill of the Journal/Constitution for example.
If Jones had been just another dumb jock, it would have been one thing. You wouldn't expect, say, Sam Snead to have much to say about the affairs of the day. But Jones was a different breed altogether. He understood what was going on in the South in the 50's and 60's. He understood his power and his position. It was his moment to take a stand. He didn't.
I'm not talking about the integration of the Masters (which I think was handled appropriately) but the larger issue of the civil rights movement at the time and the roll back of the Jim Crow era in the South.
Maybe I'm being unfair to Jones. Maybe I'm loading him down with too much non-golf baggage. I don't know. But these reservations have always checked my willingness to get on the Jones bandwagon.
Having said all that, he is still a mythic figure. Much more than a spoiled rich kid that could play. If given the chance, there's nobody else I would rather have a drink with.
Except maybe Cal Coolidge. Are you sure he is still dead?