Tiger is right, of course, the new girl always gets the highest praise, but there's an old expression, show me the hottest girl in the world and I'll show you the guy who's tired of sleeping with her!
I think the point here is that Old Macdonald is surely the most heralded opening for a golf course since Sand Hills. Before that, Shadow Creek was probably the most anticipated. Both have earned their share of plaudits. Each has taken some shots on the bow. Old Macdonald is the first one to open in this new media age where a jackass chronicler like me can throw up an instant analysis and fan the flames with some well-intended prose that can tend to sound like hyperbole. If anything, I tried to calm myself while typing the report from Old Macdonald. It met my expectations. In some senses, it exceeded them, because I'm not sure how many more "takes" on a Redan or a Biarritz I'm that desperate to see. But I loved seeing the interpretations that Doak and Urbina served up for our consumption. I also had a smallish fear that the whole enterprise might come off as somewhat cheesy, like the other replica courses that we've all heard of. Sometimes a tribute can come off as a meager experience. It's a hard act to pull off, especially with a bunch of fussy amateur architect goofballs who are never short of opinions, not to mention the professional critics.
I only had one round at Old Mac and I'm not ready to spin my old faithful girl at the resort. Pacific Dunes and I are still an item, as long as we're on the Pacific coast. I prefer her to Cypress and Pebble and LA North, but as I headed east back toward Chicago, I made a mental note as we flew over Nebraska, where my number one steady, Sand Hills, lay on the landscape like a present that waited a hundred years to be opened.
Old Macdonald will get a lot of glowing reviews. It may suffer when some compare it to the other courses on the resort, but as several posters have said, the magic of Bandon Dunes is that we now have four courses to choose from. Four great courses. Mike Keiser can go to bed and say, "mission accomplished" to himself and sleep well.
But he's still got a rabbit or two under his cap.