Our club offers low-cost junior memberships to the local kids whose parents aren't members. We also give free access to the high school golf team -- both boys and girls. I'm not sure how many other clubs do this, but I think it is almost imperative to keep fresh blood coming into the game.
What happens to kids after they turn 18 is another matter; economics often cause people in their 20s to drift away from the game. I did. But if the love of golf is implanted early, most of those juniors will find a way back.
Rick, hasn't your club heard that 26 is the new cutoff age for adulthood?
There are always wonderful stories out there. Everyone I've met on this site, and that number has to be 50-100, has been a terrific companion, whether for a round or just beers. And that is almost universally true for the characters I've met at my local muni, save a few.
The problem is, people tend to harp on the few bad eggs (the squeaky wheel gets the grease) and then generalize from there.
Damn, I hope 30 is still young, otherwise, where does that leave me?