It was great to meet up with you on Sunday at Camberley Heath and I have to say that I agree completely with you about the priorities that the club should have.
Yes, the bunkering is a bit of a mish-mash and not up to the standard one would expect of such a stunning heathland setting. However, my beef is more with the condition and aesthetic appearance of the bunkers than with their positioning. I've had a good look at Frank's proposed changes and really can't see the point of many of them when sorting out the drainage in the existing bunkers would seem to be more important. Many were hard-pan.
The greens were horribly spongey in many places; and we haven't had a lot of rain. Another priority IMO.
I do get the definite impression that modern golf architects are a little bit obsessed with bunkering. Perhaps it is the simplest way of making obvious changes and thus justifying their fee. I suggested this to Ken on our long journey home to Cheshire and he just chuckled...
Personally, I am not that fussed with bunkering. On inland courses I find it all a bit artificial and would like to see other hazards used more widely.
Like carp ponds...

Incidentally, I had a long chat with the captain of CH after dinner and he said that the majority of members actually like the carp pond, and more importantly it provides a lovely setting for photographs at the many weddings which are a main source of revenue for the club.
I suspect that Frank may just have a battle on his hands...