Jason - as an aside could you expand on the objections the women had with regards the forward tees?
Thanks, Lyne
Two issues:
1. The course has two holes that play as par 5's for women and par fours for men with the tees close together. The women prefer to keep that arrangement rather than playing forward tees. We now use the forward tees as senior tees and the women play from their previous position.
2. On two holes the new forward tees require longer hitting women to hit less than driver off the tee or cut the corner of the dogleg. The opposition to these new tees was very vocal. We built them but the tee markers are never placed there. The only use they get (that I am aware of) is from my kids. I have them play from those tees.
I think the ideas behind the tees were good. They were similar to Alice Dye's thoughts regarding forward tee placement. Nonetheless, there is no reason to force the issue if the members do not want to use them.