Does AGNC have a rating/slope? I don't think so. I know they have their own handicapping system for members.
Dean Knuth, who invented the system, has rerated it and cam up with 78.1 course rating and a slope of 137. points out one of my biggest objections to the current US handicap system--the fact that there isn't enough difference between the high and low ends of slope and rating.. IMHO, having walked the course on Tuesday and Wednesday of the tournament in 2005, othere's no possibility that rating a slope are high enough to account for the difference between ANGC and a "standard" golf course.
In fact, after being there, I estimated that if I took some of the 18-20 handicappers play with at my home course there and gave them 18 GIRs in, about a significant portion of them couldn't break 90. In other words, they would average more than 3 putt If you let me pick the worst place to putt from, I bet half to three-quarters couldn't break 90.
On a hole like 15, even if they put their ball in perfect position in two, hitting that shot off a downhill lie to a green that well above them, with water in front and behind, and a surface that is firm and smoking fast is simply beyond their ability.
I am a 10 index who has is a much better chipper and putter than ballstriker, and I there are several tee shots on ANGC that i don't think i could survive from the championship tees. The 18th is a good example. From the member's tee, its tough but not impossible. From the back tee, it's like hittiing out of a high-school hallway.
And there's NO chance I could go down there today and shoot in the 90s from the back tees.