I admit that it would be nice if a few of the greens at CPC were a bit more adventurous, BUT if it can really be said that ANGC is better than CPC then shouldn't we conclude that the good doctor must have botched the latter project. ANGC sits on very severe land that is only scenic because of the conditioning and the botanical ornamentation. I mean no offense, I live about an hour away just outside of Athens, Georgia, and I love this part of the country, but I bet there are hundreds of courses situated on better land across the globe; AND none more so than CPC! Therefore, if CPC is a lesser course then it must be an inferior design, because the raw land that it sits on had it all, and it is a much nicer walk than ANGC.
Don't get me wrong, I would jump at an invite to either course on any day, BUT (assuming that you have already played both courses) which one would you rather play again if you had to decide between the two? This is not a rhetorical question.