Tom MacWood said:
"Tommy? Were you two pretty tight? I know his son went by Tommy, but I've never seen T. Suffern Tailer referred to as Tommy."
Tom MacWood:
You haven't? And you call yourself an 'expert' researcher of this time and these people?
Well, you may call yourself an expert with this time and these people but obviously you aren't. What have you read (about them) by the way??

Yes, T. Suffern Tailer was called Tommy by his friends that obviously included C.B. Macdonald!
"T. Suffern Tailer's nine hole golf course at Newport was built upon flat pasture land, but by building up the greens and bunkering them after classical models the course is a most interesting one, as evidenced by the great interest best golfers take in Tommy Tailer's annual Golf Mashie Tournament."
Scotland's Gift Golf, by C.B. Macdonald
T. Suffern Tailer's son was also T. Suffern Tailer who was always known by his friends as Tommy too. I know that because he was a very good friend of my father and I remember Tommy Tailer around NGLA and Southampton in the old days (1950s I think). I think Tommy Tailer, the son, may've taken that famous Gold Mashie Tournament to NGLA perhaps after the original T. Suffern Tailer's Ocean Links in Newport was no more. My father obviously played in it a lot since I have a few silver coasters he won at it on a bureau in my house.
There were a group of those guys around NGLA back then who were all pretty unforgettable to me since I had to play golf with them and my father a few times at NGLA when I was a kid. To me they were all sort of bigger than life because some of them really were very tall and imposing figures; the likes of James Knott, Tommy Choate and Red Choate, Bobby Grant and Tommy Tailer; and there were others like them too numerous to mention now. Many of them were also drinkers of what I thought was herculean proportions in a sort of constant social way, if you get my drift!

The most memorable in that latter way were Knott, Grant and Tommy Tailer!
I realize you are always questioning most everyone on here, Tom MacWood, figuring you can catch them up on some historic fact that has to do with golf or architecture in the old days and apparently make yourself look like you know some things others don't because you've read more or researched better than the rest of us. You can do all the reading and researching you want to, and you can even accuse me of knowing or saying some of this stuff because I spent the night in the Holliday Inn Express last night, as you have in the past on this website.
But the point is, Tom MacWood, we are talking about my life and my world here with the likes of Tommy Tailer, not your world. That is the world I grew up in and these are some of the people I remember around golf and such when I was young (the likes of Tommy Tailer). This is not to say I loved it or admired any of it back then or even now, because in many ways I didn't and I don't; and that probably comes from the fact I'm my father's son and even if he lived it about half of every year I think he pretty much hated that high-fallutin world and pretty much ran away from it. That's why after the war he tried to remain in Florida as much and as often as he could rather than spending more time in New York and Long Island even though inevitably he always had to.
So try not to question me as if I don't know what I'm talking about on the world I came from as if you might know more about it than I do because you claim you read more books or newspapers or research that time and place and the people from it more than the rest of us do, including me.
I don't do that to you and your life and the world you grew up in and came from, so you should try to refrain from doing that to me and mine on this website!