Dunes are always moving and have for centuries. If Donald sees global warming as the cause for that, I think he was reading some of those emails where the scientists admitted they were trying to cook the books to prove the theory.
Just MHO.
Not sure about the specific case of Dornoch, but I think this passage from a Bill McKibben article is a good reply to what you wrote:
"...if you managed to hack 3,000 e-mails from some scientist's account, you might well find a few that showed them behaving badly, or at least talking about doing so. This is the so-called "Climate-gate" scandal from an English research center last fall. The English scientist Phil Jones has been placed on leave while his university decides if he should be punished for, among other things, not complying with Freedom of Information Act requests.
Call him the Mark Fuhrman of climate science; attack him often enough, and maybe people will ignore the inconvenient mountain of evidence about climate change that the world's scientific researchers have, in fact, compiled..."
Seeing as not complying with FOI requests is a crime in the UK, he most certainly should be punished.
As for the notion that Man can control the temperature of the planet, I would find it laughable if it wasn't so arrogant.
Carbon dioxide is one of the building blocks of life. Without it, we would not exist. I was taught the respiration process, whereby every human exhales carbon dioxide with every breath. Plants take this carbon dioxide and use it to grow - hence why commercial greenhouses have a much higher concentration of it, in order to make the plants grow bigger and quicker.
That said, carbon dioxide is not the main greenhouse gas. That would be water vapour, which is approximately 95%. But that can't be taxed.
Remember this: Carbon dioxide makes up just 0.038% of the atmosphere. The contribution of Mankind to this 0.038% is approximately 4%, or 0.0015%.
If you're happy to believe that this miniscule percentage makes all the difference then fair enough. But Man could cease to exist and it would make absolutely no difference in the grand scheme of things. We're totally insignificant.
We should concentrate on real pollutants, and real issues, such as deforestation.
Carbon dioxide is not a pollutant and is not responsible for any alleged warming. The climate is changing, like it always has, and always will. The demonisation of carbon dioxide has served only to make certain people very rich (I'm looking straight at you Mr Gore) whilst attempting to tax and control the majority.