I read on TGF (Australian web site) that the entrance to Cranbourne was burnt - the grand cypress boulevard. However, others commented that no burning was visible from the road near the 4th.
There were houses nearby that were burnt. Note that this is a comptely different fire to the other more infamous fires. I will check the youtube tonight when I get home.
Cranbourne is a wonderful club that does so many things well, with great constraint on spending and great planning. There might be a few pines that I would not miss (#13 lhs I think) but otherwise I hope any damage is minimal.
James B
Edit - Stephen
the youtube shows the entrance road to Cranbourne, and the Cypress boulevard has gone. It was an empty paddock on one side (as shown) and dense housing on the other. The voice over said some houses went. I can believe that given the proximity to the Cypresses.
I don't see anything at this stage to say that Cranbourne has been seriously affected. I hope this is right.
James B