LOl, the dreaded 17th...
Sounds like a plan, and I shall see you there!
P.S. I'm still waiting for anyone to explain to me where the "equity" is in striping one down the middle and having to play it from a nasty, scraggly, crater while your buddy gets a free drop in the rough cause his ball came to rest near a staked tree.
Equity does not mean fair in the sense of "justice prevails". Equity means every player has the same chance of striping one down the middle and ending up in a nasty, scraggly crater. Equity means every player has the same chance of coming to rest near a staked tree and getting a free drop.
Equity keeps the playing field level. It does not help nor does it hinder any one particular player.
Let the discussion continue under the warm cool frigid skies of a Northern Utah (almost) spring.
Jon, by that definition, why even have any rules. Then everyone would have an "equal" chance to do whatever the hell they wanted on the golf course!! If I take a foot wedge, so can you. If you take a 10 foot gimmee, so can I....we're both "equal" right?
P.S. Yes it will be chilly today...I was out on the range yesterday and was freezing my butt off.
But at least its not raining and the wind should stay down.