I've enjoyed all of your books and appreciate the entertaining way in which you write.
The round we shared at your club recently was a hoot and I have to admire the speed at which you play this game - truly incredible. I guess riding the bike all the time makes you that way, you know get from point A to point B like really fast! You and Dr. Gray definitely need to hook up - I'm thinking you guys would finish as a two ball in 100-120 minutes easily. I know you both would enjoy each other too. He could even just caddy for you. 
Since you're up in the chair, here's a few questions for you:
1. What triggered your career change? I recall watching one of the videos on your website where you mentioned working in the vending business back in the day but don't recall the how or why of the career change.
2. Do you have a favorite Dye course in the HHI/SAV area? Would you care to list your favorites down there?
3. Have you ever considered putting together a GCA Pete Dye in the Lowcountry Tour? I think with what's down there It'd be a helluva good time and with your intimate knowledge of Mr. Dye and the area we'd all be in for a real treat. I for one would be the first to sign up for such a gathering. Whattaya say?
4. Going to the Verizon Heritage next month? Who is your favorite to win it?
5. Does your golf game suffer after a ski trip?
6. Will you fish for Tarpon on the Rio Colorado while in Costa Rica?
7. Have you been to Tahiti before? When you go, I highly recommend you try to have dinner one night at Bloody Mary's. It's on Bora Bora and is both unique and delicious!!
8. Can you recommend a good dentist in your area?
Thanks for participating,
Eric the Red
Thanks for the kind words..much appreciated! Let me answer your questions:
1) I moved to Savannah from WMass in summer of '97 after selling my vending biz. I was looking to buy or start another biz, was perusing the classified ads, and saw a 7-word ad that chenged my life:
Wanted: Golf writer for Hilton Head Newspaper I hadn't written more than a grocery list for 15 years, but applied nonetheless, got the job, and here we are, 14 years later..longest gig
by far I've ever head..
2) I like Long Cove, Ford Plantation and Dye--Colleton River along with of course Harbour Town. Hampton Hall and Heron Point are a big step behind.
3) I wouold be happy to set something up, which would also include TOC up the road in Kiawah, but access at many/most of the privates would be a real hurdle.
4) Looks like I'll be in San Antonio during the big deal, as I never really do "game stories" anyway. For the first 25 years the Heritage was
only won by Major champs...the last 15 years its been mainly the opposite, so look for a non-Major winner, a good ball striker who can move it ib either direction on those twisting fairways, to have a good shot at the championship.
5) My game suffers when I come back from a ski trip with crutches, a cane or a knee brace or two...luckily, came away unscathed in 2010, which makes it a successful ski season by my new, nearing-50 parameters!
6) No tarpon fishing in CR...barely time for golf, with all the other eco-tourism stuff planned. We are scheduled for a volcano hike, waterfall rappell, zip-line tour, kayaking, sailing, maybe surfing lessons..all while going to 5 different places in 7 nights. Sounds relaxing, huh?
7) Never been to Tahiti before..not even close. (Hawaii is as far west as I've traveled.) Thanks for the recommendation.

Ha! Byron Davis DDS may not be the best dentist in Savannah, and he's not the best golfer. BUT--I would nominate him for best dentist--golfer....he's probably a lock!