WGT.com computer game – wow – it must be like having a frontal lobotomy I am left senseless.
Are you guys serious, just what the hell is this crap doing on a site that is meant to attract golfers, golfers that are meant to be interested in GCA.
Is this the direction the game is heading, Christ because if it is then those who love these types of computer games should never be allowed on a real golf course, they might hurt themselves.
Where the hell is the feeling, the anticipation, the challenge, the actual pleasure and feeling the course – good photos who knows, maybe but you must be dead above the neck if you feel this is worthy of any golfer to play let alone rave about.
One of the best reasons for playing golf is to get away from computers and our fast electronic controlled lives, to walk and enjoy the feeling of freedom and the ability to think for ourselves.
Sorry Tim but I have not see Woods game and I do not want to look at WGT.com either, after five minutes my brain activity was registering close to zero, how can anyone who call themselves a golfer enjoy such poor unbelievable crap.
Is it like playing at TOC – you must be kidding, it’s dumb, it lack reality and any sense of emotion please God give me strength because many do not seem to know what they are doing.

I feel this is an insult to the game and if you enjoy it, well then not much I can say in your defence.
