I found your answer to Keith, "If you had been to Bethpage in 1965, I think you would probably understand the omission of those two holes..." more than a little intriguing because you took him to task for not having seen the course when you, yourself, had also NOT seen the course at that time. You make the assumption that the course was in very poor condition.
Well, as one who saw those two holes, not in 1965, but did so in 1967 and numerous other times in the 1960s (now I'm feeling old!) I can state with a certainty that even though the course was scruffy and not maintained to anything even remotely close to what it is today, most courses weren't even some of the "great" ones. Those two holes were monumentally grand for any and all to see and inspired many to want to learn about what makes a golf course great regardless of their playing ability or even age.
I think you are being a bit inconsistent in asking that your opinion of the course and holes at a certain time period be given credence while you ask that Keith's is not when the truth is that neither of you had seen the course in 1965 or anywhere even close to it.

Now in all seriousness, whether either or both 4 & 5 of Bethpage Black deserved to be on a list of the best 18 holes back then is debatable. That Jenkins deserved to have at least played the holes he cited, as all agree he hadn't, shows more than a bit of poor research at the very least and is why he is being taken to task for it, as he well should be...