Mike et al:
Even with Patrick on here gumming things up discussion-wise and otherwise I do think this particular thread is one of the best for a really good historical, investigation/analysis of some amazing details of a significant old golf hole and feature I've ever seen on this website. I have and IM or email to Ran to that effect.
And I would also suggest and remind as I have a few other times on this website, to not much response----can you imagine how important and interesting and edifying it really would be if we could somehow manage to identify those old surveyor contour lines on those PRE-construction topographical contour maps Crump worked on in his time with Pine Valley and really track them in detail. They wouldn't tell us when the DA was done or whose idea it was but it sure could tell us anything and everything we'd need to know about what holes looked like naturally and exactly what they did or didn't do to them.
Can you imagine how cool that would be if we ever found the same thing Wilson and his committee were working on with Merion East in 1911 (their PRE-construction topo contour survey maps)?
A virtual GCA Rosetta Stone, I would say.
With Patrick it seems he can only imagine or contemplate things in photographs----and unfortunately to such a total reliance on them that he probably assumes something may not be able to even exist before a photograph is taken of it.

It's probably the influence of Tom MacWood who on here mentioned a few times that there could be no way Crump could ever have wanted trees isolating his holes at PV unless and until something could first be found where he actually wrote that down HIMSELF!