Recently went to that magical, mystical, eccentric, idiosyncratic, enchanting and just all round wonderful place that is Carne. Played the impressive 18-holer and then, through Ally's kind deeds and the helpfulness of the good folk at Carne, walked the new 9-holes that arn't yet open. I was very impressed and look forward very much to playing them one day, and so with permission, here are some photos I snapped on my way around. Not too many words, I'll just let the photos, not the greatest photos ever taken but you should get an impression of what things are generally like, speak for themselves.
Below is the greensite at the 1st and then, second photo, is a view looking back up the 1st fairway from the green towards the tee, which is way back over the brow of the hill. Very nice indeed.

2nd greensite, it's gonna be a cracking par-3.

Didn't walk to the best spots for photos of the 3rd and 4th holes but what I saw looked fine. My photos of the 5th hole came out poorly. Bad camera work but......this is a fabulous hole. The prevailing wind blows against through a very high sided valley. Very high sided on both sides. There awo alternative fairways if you're long enough. Didn't spot any Indians watching from high above in the dunes but I bet they were there, signalling with mirrors, just like in the old cowboy films. This is gonna be a cracking hole to play. Love it.
6th hole, looks good, didn't get to the best spot to photograph it.
7th hole, below. Great tee and greensite as seen on previous photos by others above. Liked it a lot. Apologies the photo is sooooooo wide. Error by me no doubt!

This is looking back towards the 7th tee with the green of the 5th in the distance. The dunes are
really high.

8th hole. Fairway drops down half way along. Lovely greensite. Very nice indeed.

9th hole, approach to the green. Appears to be a much superior hole than the existing 18th

Very much looking forward to playing these new holes.
Carne. Wonderful place. Thanks to all involved. Deserves all the success it can get.
All the best