Just wanted to post a few photos if you decide to hike up Mt LeConte.
One photo is of Alum Cave Bluff on the way up, the route I recommend for a day hike. Another is of the rustic cabins very near the top of Mt LeConte. The lodge is at elevation 6360, near the summit.
The other photo is of myself, near the summit, wearing what else but golf shorts and appropriately for this thread, my Mt Mitchell golf hat.
For a one day hike, the hike is rated 73.7, slope of 138, solid Doak 8. The hike is nicely framed by rock outcrops, trees, and sheer cliff drop offs promising compound broken bones and such. The trail was designed by an old guy who formerly worked for John Muir but then left trail design to carry photo equipment for Ansel Adams. The trail has never been remodeled.
Back to the hike. At the summit, we snacked on moon pies and RC cola. Later we drank corn from a jar and sang Rocky Top.
It is in the Top 100 Hike Digest, probably top 25 US Hikeweek Classic. If the top hiking trail architect writers liked it, it could zoom to the top.
Hike Digest and Hikeweek raters are carried up to the lodge by staff for free. Please call ahead and introduce yourself.