A. Vernon Macan -Langarac GC

Newspaper Article for 'Daily Province Public Links Golf Championship', 1939
“In the spring of 1924, the Canadian Pacific Railway Company commenced construction of the first eighteen hole public golf course in B.C. It was not until June 26, 1926 however that the official opening was held.” ( from Golf: Its history and Development in British Columbia by Hal Rhodes)
“Newton J. Kerr, town site Agent, Vancouver, advises that the Company’s Land Department is clearing 160 acres of land in South Vancouver lying between 51st and 59th Avenues and Ontario and Bridge Street. As the first step towards constructing a golf course, A. Vernon Macan, Golf Architect, who has laid out many courses on the Pacific coast, has been engaged to give the work general supervision. The ground slopes gently to the southeast, with a fall of 130 feet in the entire distance, is of a rolling character, intersected by two streams, and has a fine outlook over the Fraser River Delta and the Gulf of Georgia. The work will cost approximately $120,000 and it is expected that everything will be ready for use in the spring of 1926. The course will open to the public, with charges of $.50 for 18 holes, or monthly fee of $2.50, annual fee of $20.00.” (from Canadian Pacific Bulletin #192, 1925)”