Interested you bet.'ve just come back from a lesson where I was told about this and I'm in shock.
Only semi jesting I included a composite round I played there last summer in the recent personal top 25 thread. Bothe courses are more Hawtree than Taylor and are historically important as the first public courses in London. And I love them.
I understand the owners also had the concession for Stockley Park which I also rate as Doak 5+. A lovely course to see they appear to be offered separately. Both are inside the M25, with at least a couple of million people living within 20mins drive of each. It’s hard for me to conclude anythiong other that if they can’t make it in today’s climate, then there’ll be a whole lot more to follow. I had noticed over the last two summers bunkers disappearing and what was once the best range around becoming threadbare.
Very sad news.