1. For a strong majority of the market (75-95%) it's not about the golf architecture

Most people could care less about what we love to talk about on this site.
Most golfers want:
1. Affordable golf. VERY affordable golf--for seniors that can mean $20-$30 and for others $40 is a good number asssuming:
2. The course is in fair to good condition--greens roll smooth and "hold". This means for the most part they will hold about anything.
3. Tees that are level and par three tees with grass.
4. Firm, wide fairways (and soft greens)

5. A relatively "empty course" that has speed of play in the 4 1/2 range (daily fee course)
6. A beverage cart (I still refuse!)
7. Plenty of cart paths and 90 degree rule all the time. Cart path only is a death sentence for many (American) golfers.
8. Light rough, no blind shots, clearly "defined" water hazards. Fairway bunkers that you can hit a three iron out of--no steep lips.
9. Greenside bunkers that have a little too much sand--fluffy is better than "no sand" in a bunker. Of course buried lies are unacceptable.
10. The ability to walk at anytime at no charge.
11. Friendly staff who doesn't act like they are doing you a favor by taking their money.
12. Junior friendly
13. Right now, golfers want a "deal".