How many Golden Ages do we have or are going to have. What defines a Golden Age?
Is it the challenge of building a course out in no mans land or building great challenging and strategic courses that will test the golfer. But then is not the latter what designers are paid to provide? So new and good courses are being built worldwide, I am happy to hear and see that, however how does that equate to a new golden age of golf.
Lets look at golf, the last year or so has been a shameful time in the antics of Tiger Woods both on and off the course. His temper tantrums and club throwing went unpunished and sent out a message that this type of behaviour is acceptable on our golf course – wow what a golden age we are really having. Then we have the constantly expanding length of our courses to pamper the few, the ball is traveling further but not by the efforts of the golfer alone, he is helped by technology. Then the cost for the modifications to our courses which the ordinary player ultimately has to pay. The age of technology going on relatively unchecked due to a weak a pathetic administration who job it is to protect the Game of Golf - I see where some of you are coming from, it must be a Golden Age, but would you really want to call it Golden.
As for carts, they are a necessary evil that should only allowed for those who need them.
But the new Golden Age is full of courses with carts, distance aids, all to make the life easier for the healthy golfer. He can ride instead of walking, he can use the electronic distance aids instead of using his own brain and eyes, in fact I sometimes wonder why these people ever took up golf in the first place.
Sorry my little rant has made me forget, are we in the third, fourth, fifth or tenth Golden Age and is it because someone has produced some rather good course? I must say I can’t wait until the next Golden Age, expect courses will by then have disappeared but then as no one will want to walk, let alone go out in either the wet, cold, hot or humid conditions, so it will be a Golden Age because all will be computer controlled, flashed on the screen at home. Now there is a thought, at least you will save on Green Fees and cart rental, nor will you need to splash out on high tech equipment or aids either, just pay SKY a monthly charge and play at home. Sorry Mr. Doak and others, times are a changing and you will have to look at another way to keep your family fed and housed, but don’t fret, as it will just be another Golden Age, perhaps the Age of the Terminator may come to life and be sent back in time to eliminate me – may make a film out of that theme, what do you think?
Golden Age – I wish I could see it but I just see a tarnished decade or two which on mass has not a great deal to show for itself.