I know, I Know, I KNOW.
She had hit the same shot same distance same wind direction, although by the 17th it had increased a smidgen and been 5-10 yards short earlier in the round. Thus my suggestion of same club. I definitely should have been more forthright in my approach. However I had not caddied for her before and after the misread on the 5th I'd settled for the shutup keep the distances and hand over the clubs routine. I pushed it as far as I thought I could at the time (if she had had the older very experienced caddie in our group I'm certain she would have been told more forthrightly

). But history says she took the wood struck it beautifully and thus gained a little too much height allowing the wind to carry it into the trash. In fact as big an error or maybe even moreso was trying to get near the pin from the trash, especially when it was only good fortune not requiring a drop. It was at that point that the play should have been for bogey as a good score.
Also it wasn't nailed on at the time that we were so far inside the cut. I thought par par finish we'd be safe, one bogey probably safe, two bogeys outside. And you can never count on a par at 18 with where the pin was cut near the ridge
One thing I will say for the New is that in general the greens were very difficult to read, there are a lot of putts with small almost imperceptible borrows.
As for the Eden, I've played it 8-10 times and only played 14&15 twice. The Eden for me is 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 11, 17 and 18. Really good to great holes all of them. And 2, 6, 12 are all pretty good too. 14, 15, 10, 16 are a bit naff and more to the point out of place. 16 could be a good hole with a little love.