With respect I would like to correct you. I was not referring to just one article but from memory at least three if not four. I also actually said, please note my last sentence (copied below)
From my reply#15 TOC when under Old Tom was well able to withstand many of the rainstorms. He said it was down to the cultivation of worms, yet after he retired Hamilton killed all the worms, the course started to pool water and for a period from 1905-12. I believe the R&A were unhappy with the quality of TOC during this time. Perhaps a lesson could be learnt that not all modern ideas are best.
There is a report from Old Tom advising Hamilton not to kill the worms, also to deviate to using a different mix would not be advisable, yet Hamilton ignored that advice and according to reports TOC underwent some 8 years or so of problems. The course problems have been reported, I have read them, Old Toms suggestions were reported and I have read them, TOC not pooling with water when Old Tom used the worms, those reports have also been read. So I would like to correct you on your comment of just one report.
We can learn from the past, in fact we are still discovering processes lost in antiquity that have a place in our modern world. The point I was making is that we should not discard old ideas without some serious consideration.
My point also applies to selecting the sites of courses, we should be more critical in our selection otherwise we undermine the very thing we are trying to achieve, golf for all. Brain washing the general public into believing that using a cart is the golfing way is not IMHO the right way to introduce the great game of golf. To introduce the game to an unsuitable location and then knowing that the site is unplayable in the conventional manner, one proceeds, that individual(s) has bastardized the great game of golf. I question, no in fact if I was building a golf course I wonder if I would employ any cart building cart-ball architect as I feel he/she has betrayed the game of golf in my eyes. There are places in the world just not suitable for the game, which is the real game of golf thats the game you walk around a course with 18 holes and should not be confused with cart ball etc.
We all have our own limitations, be it physical or mental which more or less stops us participating in various works or leisures activities. To a point we should accept that, why, well lets ask would you employ a blind person to clean your factory or home. Its not that they cant do the work, its the practicality of it all, unless you intend to spend a fortune. But why would you spend a fortune on cleaning. Common sense is something of an asset to us human beings, so why dont we use it at times, unless the intention is to water down golf, deprive the general public of the real thrill and challenge of the game of golf and thus mould the game into just making money for the few or whatever other reason someone comes up with at the time. Nevertheless, taking the time to think, is this land fit for purpose, will it allow the game of golf to flourish or are we limited in the first place to just playing cart-ball in this area/environment.
I see nothing wrong with cart-ball, as long as it is understood that it is not golf. A simple question would you be happy if some one modified you National flag (either changed the colour or added or removed some of the stars or stripes). Well thats how I feel when people tinker with the way the game of golf is played. I respect your right to your flag and to retain its original integrity, why wont many here and around the world offer me (and others of my persuasion) the same courtesy? Lets not forget I have not changed or gone away from the game where walking is such an intrinsic part. Have you?
I just ask some of you to think, before we may lose the will to walk when playing or become so detached from the thinking process that you are no longer able to work out which club to use unless you delve in the Pandoras Box of distance aids. Ladies and Gentlemen how strongly do you believe in the Spirit of the Game and your Golfing Soul, because you are looking into the abyss. Are you going to lets your legs do the walking away from the edge or are you going to ride into the flames of Hell?
Jeff I hope you have a nice day, I believe it is going to get very, very warm soon.
