My point is why should someone who pays 25 rounds pay the same as someone who plays 100.
Your sentence above is what makes "private golf" so unique. There is SO MUCH OVERHEAD, that cost incurred
by the club is exactly the same if John Doe plays 25 or 100 rounds. This is only unique to most private clubs
with 20,000 rounds or less. On a public course John Doe would be taking tee times away from other "fee paying"
guests. If John Doe always takes a cart... then I guess you can charge him for the electric.
It is also very unique to the game of golf. Ideally, one pro shop attendant and one cart attendant can handle
20 golfers or 100 golfers because the tee sheet dictates the traffic. This is NOT the case in F&B, especially
"meal-oriented"club F&B. If you do 200 covers I bet 100 of them were from 1130am to 130am and the other
100 were from 6pm to 8pm. This is another reason why upscale daily fee and public F&B is much easier and more
profitable then a private club. Your volume is dictated by the tee sheet. One cook and one bartender can handle
100 people overthe course of 8 hours.
Most of the time, the trouble with an äll in""fee is simply the historical operations of the club. Heavy users
and riders will love it. Light users and walkers will hate it. But each will judge their happiness on what they
had BEFORE the club considered changing their dues structure.