Interesting posts guys. To be frank, although I am not as dumb as I look...I haven't studied COR, MOI, launch angles, or whatever.
But I do know this...
I played with my hickories Sunday and was hitting it 150-170 off the tee.
I played later with an r9 that I got for Christmas and was hitting it 250-270.
Now, am I swinging the hickory incorrectly...probably. But nevertheless, that difference is certainly significant and without a question makes the game much easier to play.
Also, the r9 was going right down the middle 8 out of 10 times, while I got the hickory in the fairway 3 out of 10 times.
So...that is what I know for a fact. How much COR, MOI, etc these clubs have or measure at...I haven't the foggiest.