Adam -
I am working on a record of sorts as I was lucky enough to be granted permission to document some of this project. Actually, it was my same feeling that there needed to be a record of this historic effort that led me to ask to do this. I think you will enjoy seeing Tom, George and Mike discuss the genesis of the project much as they described earlier in the thread. In fact, I'm finishing a little preview right now that might make its way into some of your hands in the not too distant future.
I'm hoping to have the much bigger finished project done in early summer so that all can see the cavalcade of participants that Tom alluded to. There is George Bahto describing how he was "floored" when Tom called him and told him Mr. Keiser wanted to do Macdonald; There is Brad Klein describing his participation and input re how the course will be perceived; There are Tom and Jim Urbina discussing a bunker that Brad wants added to "Punchbowl" and whether they like the idea, and then we watch them flag it in the sand and tell Brian Slawnik how they want it constructed, watch him build it, and then Tom and Jim reveal the finished product to Brad 6 months later; There is Bruce Hepner discussing the eclectic nature of the bunkers at Old Macdonald as he points out CBM's same approach while standing on the grounds at The National; There is Brian Schneider discussing the difficulty of building the 7th green with a bulldozer; There are Jonathan Reisetter, Mike McCartin and Kye Goalby discussing their different roles and particular things that they each built; There is a master class from Tom as he re-creates the actual routing of the course on a Topo; There is a section on floating and finish work from Jim that ends as he finishes the last bit of construction work on the project before seeding the 18th green, which is followed by Jim driving away with tears in his eyes as the design work is now complete; There are interviews with Ken Nice and CJ the Asst. Super. A lot of those whose work is seen in result only will get shown during process. As Tom said, it would require a Feature length credit roll to do everyone justice, but we will get to acknowledge a good chunk of them.