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Jason Topp

Personal Highlights of the Decade
« on: December 23, 2009, 07:36:35 PM »
I keep hearing top 10 lists of the decade on talk radio.  What is your top 10 list?  I will think about mine and post later.


Re: Personal Highlights of the Decade
« Reply #1 on: December 23, 2009, 07:40:33 PM »
My top ten list is pretty much the same one I put up on our web site:

Barnbougle Dunes
Cape Kidnappers
Lost Dunes  Old Macdonald
Pacific Dunes
Rock Creek
St. Andrews Beach
Stone Eagle
Tumble Creek

It was a pretty good decade.


Re: Personal Highlights of the Decade
« Reply #2 on: December 23, 2009, 07:46:52 PM »
My top ten list is pretty much the same one I put up on our web site:

Barnbougle Dunes
Cape Kidnappers
Lost Dunes  Old Macdonald
Pacific Dunes
Rock Creek
St. Andrews Beach
Stone Eagle
Tumble Creek

It was a pretty good decade.

Well yeah!   ;D   Congratulations, what a body of work.  I'm looking forward to my first visit to Ballyneal in June.


Re: Personal Highlights of the Decade
« Reply #3 on: December 23, 2009, 07:47:55 PM »
I keep hearing top 10 lists of the decade on talk radio.  What is your top 10 list?  I will think about mine and post later.

Scotland with your kids has to be right up there!

I took my son David to Hoylake for the 2006 Buda and he enthralled by the links courses.

Jim Colton

Re: Personal Highlights of the Decade
« Reply #4 on: December 23, 2009, 07:59:56 PM »

  You stole my thread!  I was just thinking of doing a top 10 courses built this decade thread and potential blog post.

  Although I'm often accused as being a homer or worse, Tom D has to win the award for Architect of the Decade.

 From Golf Magazine's world rankings, those built this decade

1. Pacific Dunes
2. Friar's Head
3. Cape Kidnappers
4. Barnbougle Dunes
5. Nine Bridges
6. Old Sandwich
7. Nanea
8. Chambers Bay
9. Kauri Cliffs
10. Ballyneal

Other Golf Mag 100 in U.S. but not world
Trump National Bedminster
Bandon Trails
Calusa Pines
Sutton Bay
The Concession
Whispering Pines
Boston Golf Club

Mac Plumart

Re: Personal Highlights of the Decade
« Reply #5 on: December 23, 2009, 08:01:25 PM »
My top ten list for the 2000's are as follows...

1)  becoming a father of two
2)  becoming a Christian
3)  co-founding NCM
4)  surviving and thriving despite two brutal bear markets
5)  witnessing my wife finish her first novel
6)  becoming a homeowner
7)  discovering golf
8)  seeing my father quit smoking
9)  touring parts of Europe (it a shame I hadn't discovered golf at this time)
10)being able to walk a golf course

My top ten golf-related moments of the decade (I'm not sure if these are in order)...

1)  discovering the game
2)  joining a country club
3)  spending a great deal of time at East Lake
4)  playing Kiawah Ocean
5)  winning two golf tournaments at Cuscowilla (on a net basis)  
6)  playing Inverness
7)  playing a few round of golf with GCA'ers
8)  Seeing one of my cousins courses get ranked in the World's Top 100
9)  scoring my first eagle  ;D
10)being able to walk a golf course

Edit...okay my 8's came off looking like Joe Cool with sunglasses...sorry.
« Last Edit: December 23, 2009, 08:03:28 PM by Mac Plumart »
Sportsman/Adventure loving golfer.

Ed Oden

Re: Personal Highlights of the Decade
« Reply #6 on: December 23, 2009, 08:26:24 PM »
5.  Breaking par for the first (and undoubtedly only) time.
4.  A trip to Long Island that will stay with me forever.
3.  Every time I set foot on the grounds at the national club I joined.
2.  Seeing my home club transformed beyond my wildest dreams.
1.  Taking my Dad to the Masters.

Tim Gavrich

Re: Personal Highlights of the Decade
« Reply #7 on: December 23, 2009, 09:34:42 PM »
In no particular order:

- Making my first hole in one.
- Playing Cascades and Old White on consecutive perfect days the weekend of my birthday last year (i.e. 2008).
- Breaking 70 for the first time in competition (first round of the last tournament of my freshman fall season).
- Getting to play in the D-III National Championship as a freshman, with my team captain winning the Byron Nelson Award.
- A heck of a couple weeks in the UK, with a week in Scotland with my father, as well as a round at Sunningdale Old when we were staying in London.

And of course(!)...
- Discovering and joining GCA at the suggestion of Geoffrey Childs.  Meeting Mike Young (Athens CC and Longshadow), Lester George (Ballyhack), Dan Herrmann (French Creek during a junior tournament), Brent Hutto (Columbia CC this summer), and Brad Klein (at Wintonbury Hills); all wonderful people.  Communicating with many others, whom I hope to meet over the course of this coming decade and those beyond.
Senior Writer, GolfPass

Joe Hancock

Re: Personal Highlights of the Decade
« Reply #8 on: December 23, 2009, 09:54:38 PM »
I keep hearing top 10 lists of the decade on talk radio.  What is your top 10 list?  I will think about mine and post later.

I hope that the fact that you met me for the first time on several different occasions makes your list.

" What the hell is the point of architecture and excellence in design if a "clever" set up trumps it all?" Peter Pallotta, June 21, 2016

"People aren't picking a side of the fairway off a tee because of a randomly internally contoured green ."  jeffwarne, February 24, 2017

Jason Topp

Re: Personal Highlights of the Decade
« Reply #9 on: December 23, 2009, 10:14:30 PM »
Sand Hills – Beautiful September weekend.  The Coore/Crenshaw group that built the course was there celebrating its 10th anniversary.  We all watched the final round of the President’s Cup in the bar.  Met Ben Crenshaw – felt like a dork but he made me very comfortable.  Too shy to meet Bill Coore. (2006?)

Western Gailes – went there on a whim the first day of a 2000 Scotland trip.  We were scheduled to play Glasgow Gailes and I read Jim Finnegan’s description of the course and changed at the last minute.  It was an incredibly beautiful evening made more enjoyable by a relaxed drowsiness with a lot of terrific golf ahead. (2000)

Improvement – after playing division III college golf my game deteriorated to the point I was a 14 handicap in 2000.  I spent each winter working on my swing and now am a 7.  Hopefully I can get back to my high school and college ability someday.  (2000-2009)

Brora with the kids.  My son’s first 18. (2008)

Newcastle – epic journey with Phillip Gawith to play nine holes at Newcastle.  Drove something like 800 kilometers because of brush fires. (2006?)

Four ball match.   In 2003 my regular foursome wound up matched against each other in the semifinals of our season long four ball tournament.  Everyone played very well and we were nipped on the last hole by a 20 foot birdie putt. (2002)

Breaking 80 in a tournament for the first time since college. (2009)

Sutton Bay – my first GCA outing.  Had a terrific time even though there was lake effect snow.  Many terrific outings have followed.  (2005?)

Royal Melbourne – might be as ideal as it gets.

Sunday morning $1 matches with friend at my club.  It hurts more to pay that dollar than most wagers.

and . . . .

Meeting Joe Hancock multiple times. (2009)


Re: Personal Highlights of the Decade
« Reply #10 on: December 24, 2009, 12:16:06 AM »
Golfing with my youngest son
Having lunch with Herbert Warren Wind
Writing a letter to Herb Wind from the R&A clubhouse during my first trip to Scotland
Meeting many of the wonderful people who inhabit this site
Seeing raw land transformed into a golf course. Seeing the vision transformed into a reality.
Attending the Walker Cup at Merion with my son.
First trip to Scotland
First trip to Australia and New Zealand. My best golf trip ever.
"Perimeter-weighted fairways", The best euphemism for containment mounding I've ever heard.

Ash Towe

Re: Personal Highlights of the Decade
« Reply #11 on: December 24, 2009, 03:54:02 AM »
Playing well at Cypress with Ed Getka, Tom Huckaby and Rick Schefchick on a perfect day.

Travelling with Ed to play Sand Hills, Ballyneal and Wild Horse.  Plaing with Matt Schultte at Ballyneal.

A round with Bob Huntley at MPCC Shore.

Playing with Matt Ward on Long Island.

Meeting and having a very enjoyable dicusssion with Tom Doak.

Playing with Terry Lavin and Kevin Reilley.

Meeting other great people from this web site.


Re: Personal Highlights of the Decade
« Reply #12 on: December 24, 2009, 07:45:16 AM »
Watching my 10 year old break 100 for the first time at Ravisloe C. C.

Holing out for eagle on the 11th at Shoreacres

Walking the fairways of Chicago Golf Club with JB Holmes and Anthony Kim at the Walker Cup

Dawn round at Pac Dunes before the flight home with the wind down and nobody in front of us

Catching the Saturday morning round at the PGA at Oakland Hills and popping up to Kingsley Club in my buddies turboprop for the afternoon, stuck it tight on number nine while he took a 13 to lose the front

Watching one of my best friends drain a 105 ft. putt from the valley of sin to thunderous applause

Getting up and down from an impossible bunker at Portmarnock to take the wind out of my opponent

Watching my son display better sportsmanship than I'd be capable of to a tournament competitor who was in way over his head

Lost Dunes-41 degrees and drizzle.  I played the course by myself.  They locked up and told me to let myself out.  Wasn't just the only guy on the course, I was the only guy on the property.  Of course I got 27 in...

Finally learning to enjoy the game and not let a couple of bad shots ruin my or my playing partners' day

« Last Edit: December 24, 2009, 08:05:09 AM by Jud Tigerman »
Golf is a game. We play it. Somewhere along the way we took the fun out of it and charged a premium to be punished.- - Ron Sirak

Ronald Montesano

Re: Personal Highlights of the Decade
« Reply #13 on: December 24, 2009, 07:59:23 AM »
1.  Watching our children grow up, for better and for worse;

2.  Celebrating my 40th birthday riding horses with my wife on the beaches of Bandon (I'm not much of a rider);

3.  Thoroughly enjoying the Merion Walker Cup in person, through a lens, in the press tent, in the quarry...;

4.  Getting to know Scott Witter as he completed Arrowhead and Ironwood, and Jim Fiske as he completed Ivy Ridge;

5.  Watching Diamond Hawk and Harvest Hill come into existence;

6.  Touring Hickory Stick on foot this Fall, the only one with photos of the course, some 8 months before it opens;

7.  Coaching high school teams (girls and boys) and running golf camps (middle school age);

8.  Seeing a bit of pride in my parents' eyes and smiles as I enter and leave my childhood home during various visits;

9.  Continuing to grow through golf, including the aforementioned highlights and adding GCA, BuffaloGolfer.Com, and numerous magazine and website articles;

10.  Shepherding students through three-week, home-stay exchanges in Spain and Costa Rica.  When their senses explode with the newness of a country whose language they speak, you as a languages teacher revel in it  !!
Coming in 2025
~Robert Moses Pitch 'n Putt
~~Sag Harbor
~~~Chenango Valley
~~~~Sleepy Hollow
~~~~~Montauk Downs
~~~~~~Sunken Meadow
~~~~~~~Some other, posh joints ;)

Melvyn Morrow

Re: Personal Highlights of the Decade
« Reply #14 on: December 24, 2009, 08:03:37 AM »

Due to my inability to walk far thus being unable to play golf, flatly refusing to ride and play golf from a cart. I have spent many years researching some of the 19th century golfer i.e. Old and Young Tom as well as golfing history over this period.

I have totally enjoyed compiling a list of courses connected to Old Tom, Charlie Hunter and the other Hunters & Morris’s, yet I feel for me the most pleasure has come from uncovering the early history of many clubs. In some cases, over 50 of the initial course layouts/maps have come to light, which I have been able to pass on to the clubs. Lamlash being one of the most enjoyable experiences as it was completely different to what they had come to believe, as their early records had been lost.

The other highlight again relates to uncovering and understanding the staking of the course AM, playing it PM. This is a total misunderstand of the whole design build process from the mid to late 19th Century. One, which I am totally shocked and surprised, has continued right up to the present day. The history books, newspapers both National & local give a clear answer to the process. Nevertheless, we seem so happy to undermine the early designers into believing they were a one-day wonder, yet we ignore the fact that courses during this period took on average 3 months from the commission of the design to the opening of the course. Even then, the reports say that the course will continue to improve with much play over the next year.

There was a clear understand between the early designers and the Clubs Committees, the staking was part of the process of designing and building our golf courses. There was a requirement of an experienced designer to check and tweak (if necessary) a course if designed by a local figure, either before or after the course was opened. This was not just a publicity stunt, but a serious endeavour to see that the course came up to desired standards and expectation of the day.

The problem we have and will continue to have is that we must set out mind to the right period and think accordingly, not examine the information using our 21st Century minds.

So compiling a list of courses, uncovering maps, find old sites of closed golf courses all added to, I believe my understanding of what I call and will continue to call The Original Golden Age of Golf 1848-1900 and was certainly my Personal Highlights of the Decade. Perhaps getting back on the golf course will be the Highlight for the next Decade.   


David Egan

Re: Personal Highlights of the Decade
« Reply #15 on: December 24, 2009, 04:36:14 PM »
Winning the member-member fourball tournament at Bob O'Link with my dad and then making the semifinal the next year.  Those ten matches with my dad (he was unable to play in the 11th due to a really bad back - the semi match in 2006 - so I went out 2 on 1) were not only the golf highlight of my decade but of my life.  The only thing that can ever match up is if my son and I can do it 25 years from now.

Joel Zuckerman

Re: Personal Highlights of the Decade
« Reply #16 on: December 24, 2009, 07:19:30 PM »
It was a very productive decade, on and off the golf course.

Here are some highlights, an assortment of nice memories that will stay with me:

Making my 2nd ace

Playing my 300th, 400th, 500th, then 600th course.

Playing Stone Eagle with "Mr. 59," Al Geiberger, with almost nobody else on the golf course but us.

Breakfast with Jack Nicklaus

Lunch with Pete and Alice Dye

Seeing my first book (then second, third, fourth and fifth) in print for the first time

Winning the Book of the Year award from the International Network of Golf

Making 3 birdies consecutively in a round for the first time

Shooting par for just the 2nd time

Playing 36 holes at 1 over for just the 2nd time.

Discovering the joy of links golf via 3 trips to Ireland, 2 trips to Scotland, and 1 trip to Bandon Dunes

Chip Gaskins

Re: Personal Highlights of the Decade
« Reply #17 on: December 24, 2009, 07:47:49 PM »
A mix of golf and personal

10 - Making par on the Road Hole
9 - Playing Augusta National
8 - Breaking 70 for the first time
7 - Spending time in Belfast, one of the coolest cities in the world, and taking day trips to County Down and Portrush

6 - Getting married and having two great kids
5 - Hiking Machu Piccu for my honeymoon
4 - Walking around Red Square in Moscow
3 - Hanging out with Dave Matthews backstage
2 - Meeting Dean Smith on the putting green at Pebble and then playing right behind him on 72 degree sunny day (especially as a North Carolinian and UNC alum)
1- Seeing my dad win the senior club championship at age 66 after beating cancer!

And of course, meeting many many great folks on this site that have been beyond gracious in every aspect of life!

Jeff Taylor

Re: Personal Highlights of the Decade
« Reply #18 on: December 24, 2009, 07:51:01 PM »
Finding this website.
Finding Scotland.

Ben Sims

Re: Personal Highlights of the Decade
« Reply #19 on: December 24, 2009, 08:51:49 PM »
1.  Meeting my wife
2.  Graduating (Surviving ;D) the US Air Force Academy
3.  Pinning wings on my chest
4.  Flying in combat
5.  Forging the friendships that will be my lifelong brothers

6.  Dinner with Michael Murphy at McKee's pub
7.  Giving Tom Doak my squadron's coin
8.  Presenting Hank Hickox of Bandon Dunes a flag I flew in Afghanistan
9.  Meeting Michael Robin
10.  Finding a group of friends (Turtle, Coltrain, The Texas Oil-gentleman Wyatt, Schulte, the original rockstar Gib, the "Dude" Mike Young, and MANY, MANY more) as psycho as I am in regards to love of golf and the grounds they're played on.


Re: Personal Highlights of the Decade
« Reply #20 on: December 24, 2009, 09:15:10 PM »
The decade of the 2000's represented a huge change in my golfing life and I really owe it all to our benefactor, Ran Morrissette, for his creation of Golf Club Atlas.

I was playing weekend golf and pretty bored with the whole thing in 2000.  I had some guys I enjoyed playing with, and couples golf on Sunday.  Most of my golf travel was with couples we played with.

Then I was steered toward GolfClubAtlas, from Traditional Golf I think, by Thomas Huckaby.  Within the next six months I had met a few GCA guys, made a trip out to the brand new Pacific Dunes with John Bernhardt where I met the same Mr. Huckaby, and generally met a whole lot of people who shared my values about traditional golf on classic golf courses.

From that introduction has come a lot of golf with GCA members, a bunch of GCA events, including the Dixie Cup which I helped found in 2004 at Cuscowilla.  I have had the opportunity to play with GCAers in Scotland, England, Wales, backwards on the Old Course, and semi-swacked after lunch in a foursomes match at Muirfield.

All this dream golf might have happened without Ran's website but it's doubtful.  I will never be able to thank him properly for changing my golf life, but that's the story of the 2000's for me.

I just wish all this had happened before I turned 60!

Merry Christmas and a great 2010 of wonderful golf to all of you.

Steve Lang

Re: Personal Highlights of the Decade
« Reply #21 on: December 24, 2009, 09:32:24 PM »
 8)  Tom Doak,   would the Rawls Course be in your top 15 or 20 things this past decade?
Inverness (Toledo, OH) cathedral clock inscription: "God measures men by what they are. Not what they in wealth possess.  That vibrant message chimes afar.
The voice of Inverness"


Re: Personal Highlights of the Decade
« Reply #22 on: December 25, 2009, 08:49:56 AM »
Steve L:

I think we built 17 courses in this decade, so The Rawls would have to be in there somewhere.  Unless I go to personal and family accomplishments, as many on this site have done -- in which case, getting married would have to rank somewhere above The Rawls.

Carl Rogers

Re: Personal Highlights of the Decade
« Reply #23 on: December 25, 2009, 10:27:31 AM »
In my very modest golfing life, I have a few highlights.  In order:

- Winning the last Golf Magazine Armchair Architect Contest.  The Prize was tagging along for 3 days with Tom, Chad Campbell, Brian Schneider and Brian Slawnik at the Bay of Dreams in Baha Mexico, while under construction  (January of 2006), (I assume they all quickly recovered)

- Discovering this site and through the site meeting Scott Weersing and traveling a few places together since then to tee it up (2007).  Will travel more in the future.

- Playing 3 rounds with Scott at Beechtree 5 weeks before it closed (October 2007)

- 5th career ace, this one being at the 2nd hole at Riverfront on April 1, 2006

Jason Hines

Re: Personal Highlights of the Decade
« Reply #24 on: December 25, 2009, 06:40:19 PM »
Sutton Bay – my first GCA outing.  Had a terrific time even though there was lake effect snow.  Many terrific outings have followed.  (2005?)

Jason, that was the last weekend in April of '05.  Never got above 36 degrees and the wind never blew below 20 mph.

Golf wise:
Wild Horse - took our money from a card table, no club house at the time
Joined a private club and will never go back.
Sand Hills
New Mexico
Sutton Bay
Found a regular 4 some
Moved and joined a club with a long time golf buddy.  (Never in million years thought that would happen)  Prior, we always joked that our wives would never let that happen, fortunately and coincidentally, he divorced her so problem solved.
Took my 4 and 2 year olds golfing late on a Saturday afternoon for the first time.  Had the whole course to ourselves and will never forget it.

« Last Edit: December 26, 2009, 08:15:12 AM by Jason Hines »
