What kind of weather could be expected in mid February?
Anything. Really, I've seen it be 75 and sunny, I've seen it be 25 with flurries. It can be really odd weather, changing from day to day pretty bad at times. Being in the middle of the coast, North Carolina (the eastern part anyway) doesn't really have much as far as winters go, more like winter weeks with moderate stuff in between. Anything is possible that time of the year.
As far as the deal goes, its a great deal, TR processes a lot of rounds through its travel office so they can work out some really good deals, especially this time of the year. And I could be wrong, but I didn't think that TR could package a round at Pine Needles; of course its been 18 months since I've worked in Pinehurst and those have been some pretty dark months, so courses might be doing some real dealing these days.