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Ed Oden

No Wind Situation
« on: December 20, 2009, 11:20:40 PM »
What great courses are least affected by wind?


K. Krahenbuhl

Re: No Wind Situation
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2009, 11:23:04 PM »
Would have to be many of the classic tree lined parkland courses I would think (Winged Foot, etc.)

Ed Oden

Re: No Wind Situation
« Reply #2 on: December 20, 2009, 11:32:15 PM »
Kyle, I expect you are correct.  But I am amazed at how often I play a parkland course that is still breezy notwithstanding the trees.  In fact, it seems to me the breezes are sometimes trickier in such locations since they tend to swirl and are less prevailing.  Are there great courses in areas where the wind just doesn't blow irrespective of whether parkland or not?


Gene Greco

Re: No Wind Situation
« Reply #3 on: December 21, 2009, 05:23:24 AM »
     Pine Valley
     Winged Foot West
     Riviera CC
     Merion GC
"...I don't believe it is impossible to build a modern course as good as Pine Valley.  To me, Sand Hills is just as good as Pine Valley..."    TOM DOAK  November 6th, 2010

JC Jones

Re: No Wind Situation
« Reply #4 on: December 21, 2009, 07:17:08 AM »
     Pine Valley
     Winged Foot West
     Riviera CC
     Merion GC


I thought you were going to say Sand Hills ;) though it does have a prevailing wind.... ;) :)
I get it, you are mad at the world because you are an adult caddie and few people take you seriously.

Excellent spellers usually lack any vision or common sense.

I know plenty of courses that are in the red, and they are killing it.

Peter Ferlicca

Re: No Wind Situation
« Reply #5 on: December 21, 2009, 08:58:44 AM »
     Pine Valley
     Winged Foot West
     Riviera CC
     Merion GC

I would scratch Riveria off that list, they are known for having pretty strong afternoon winds coming off the coast.  I played in it, and if you remember two years ago, the afternoon, morning draw got screwed in the tournament because they had to play in really strong winds.

John Moore II

Re: No Wind Situation
« Reply #6 on: December 21, 2009, 09:00:36 AM »
I don't think Pinehurst or Pine Needles are really affected by wind, especially not in the summer. I can remember weeks on end there with barely a puff of wind.

Jaeger Kovich

Re: No Wind Situation
« Reply #7 on: December 21, 2009, 09:06:26 AM »
I cant speak for WF, I have only spent about 6 days there, but Quaker, which is right across the street, gets a pretty strong breeze about 75% of the time.

What about the extra humid florida courses?

John Moore II

Re: No Wind Situation
« Reply #8 on: December 21, 2009, 09:19:34 AM »
I cant speak for WF, I have only spent about 6 days there, but Quaker, which is right across the street, gets a pretty strong breeze about 75% of the time.

What about the extra humid florida courses?

The only courses in Florida that might not get wind would be the ones inland near Orlando. But any course that is near the coast (probably 80% of all Florida courses are within 10 miles of the coast) will get wind almost constantly. Not always a really strong wind, but the wind will blow just about every day.

Gene Greco

Re: No Wind Situation
« Reply #9 on: December 21, 2009, 10:14:26 AM »
    Pine Valley
     Winged Foot West
     Riviera CC
     Merion GC


I thought you were going to say Sand Hills ;) though it does have a prevailing wind.... ;) :)


   Up in the Sand HILLS at 4000 ft the wind comes from every direction.  In that magical valley, where Bill Coore and Ben Crenshaw bulit what many think is the greatest golf course in the world, the wind swirls and allows one to play each hole in every direction of wind with great regularity, many times on the same day. I have played the 216 yd par 3 third with an 8 iron early in the morning, 3 iron in the late morning/early afternoon and a driver later on.

There is no prevailing wind despite how Patrick the fox tries to mislead the reader.  

He's a brilliant man with part of his brain in his tongue and on the tips of his fingers.

Because of this he types and makes statements without much control from his cerebrum.

He spins his web to pull in and hold the reader in a very convincing manner.

The inexperienced, those who read the words on this website to somehow cathartically try to feel  what it might be like to be on a particular golf course, are easy prey.

Patrick gets a doctorate in bullshit.

Just look at his wife.

She is drop dead gorgeous. Patrick looks like he just arrived from a planet in another solar system.  :)

To further make my point, while he was at the Sand Hills Golf Club golfing his ball he understandably always rode in a cart due to his recovering medical state.

Yet, Patrick has held firm that and Sand Hills is a difficult walk. Again, he rode so how much validity is there in his position?

Furthermore, he has stated the green to tee walks are "disjointed". How could he know this if he didn't walk???

Many on here have explained to Patrick that the green to tee distances are in most cases SHORT but he will have none of it. I have even demonstrated to him that the green to tee walks at another course which many feel is the greatest in the world, Shinnecock Hills Golf Club, are longer and more disjointed (walk from 3 green to 4 tee) and more uncomfortable (think the walk up to 15 tee) than anything at Sand Hills.

Again, just silence from the man with the thinking finger tips.

And now this crap about the wind.

In fourteen years I have played the course over 250 times.

Patrick has played seven rounds of golf there. Incredibly, those four days were without wind. Nada.

Yet he is more of an expert in wind direction at the Sand Hills GC than any of us.

However, Patrick's ability to accurately (or inaccurately) dissect a golf course from an architectural aspect and his on screen persona differs from his real life presentation.

The man can flat out play.

He is fun to play with and is the ultimate anatgonist to play against in a match. You will never love trying to beat someone as much as you wanna beat him.

Despite his completely unyielding demeanor, his stubborness and his touch of arrogance there are few people with whom I have enjoyed playing with more, this greatest of games.


And why are the fairways so wide.......



« Last Edit: December 21, 2009, 10:19:41 AM by Gene Greco »
"...I don't believe it is impossible to build a modern course as good as Pine Valley.  To me, Sand Hills is just as good as Pine Valley..."    TOM DOAK  November 6th, 2010

JC Jones

Re: No Wind Situation
« Reply #10 on: December 21, 2009, 10:20:22 AM »

Exactly the response I was attempting to solicit ;D

Lets just say that with my zero rounds at Sand Hills and Pat Mucci's 7 rounds at Sand Hills, I'll defer to you on discussions of the wind, or anything else for that matter.

I have no doubt that playing Mr. Mucci would be quite the experience; though I also have no doubt you are quite the guy to play golf with as well.

Happy Holidays!
I get it, you are mad at the world because you are an adult caddie and few people take you seriously.

Excellent spellers usually lack any vision or common sense.

I know plenty of courses that are in the red, and they are killing it.
