Okay, y’all. I watched these threads related to golf course architectural history develop and I have some thoughts on them.
First off, please read my synopsis of the threads. I tried to hit only the highlights to make it a quick read. And then at the end I give some summary thoughts. Let me know any thoughts or comments you all might have.
Northshore CC—Tillie or Raynor Thread
George Bahto post #1---he states North Shore CC looks like it has Raynor greens, but it appears to be credited to Tillinghast concerning the routing…so his question is this…is NSCC a Tillinghast or Raynor?
Bahto post #5—produces a quote from White showing that Tillinghast/White began work in 1915.
Tom MacWood post #8---he believes the holes attributed to Raynor are actually Emmett’s and he further states that he has found no mention of Tilinghast or Raynor and he states he believes that the bulk of the credit should go to White.
Shaffer post #9---produces a quote from MGA stating that Tillinghast is the guy.
Shaffer post #13---he states that Tillinghast had White do work for him at multiple courses and he hired White to do the construction at Northshore and be the pro there.
Tom MacWood post #15---he states that he has seen considerable evidence that Northshore is Emmett & White.
Tom MacWood post #19---he states that Tillinghast never took credit for Northshore and he has never seen any newspaper articles (or the like) giving Tillinghast credit.
Shaffer post #22---he states that Dr. Quinn never mentioned Emmett regarding Northshore at all.
Tom Paul post #23---he states that looking at the club minutes might shed some light onto the subject. He also states that he thinks White might have been acting as a constructor/greenskeeper at Northshore. He also states that if, indeed, the club claimed Tillinghast for no reason that would not be the first time something like that has happened.
Tom Macwood posts #24 and #25---he produces numerous newspaper articles which detail why he feels that Emmett and White were the designers of the course.
Shaffer post #26---he alludes to the fact that the club’s minutes contradict the newspaper clippings of Macwood.
Tom Paul post #28---he states that someone really should look at the minutes.
From this point on speculation accusations fly and some unproductive posts are put on the site…
Moriarty post #70---he asks has anyone reviewed the minutes of the club.
For me the thread gets tough to read as a pissing match (or several) break out. However, perhaps these are mild for this site…but under the mess of the fight some good information can be gleaned by the reader with perseverance.
The Mystery of Northshore---Raynor’s First Course?
Shafer post #1—he states that he visited the NY Historical Society and he took notes on the club records. It appears that Raynor was the designer and he worked with White as his superintendent.
Tom Macwood post #2—he states that Steve Shafer has found documented evidence of Seth Raynor’s first course.
Tom Paul post #12---Please everyone go back and re-read it!!!!!!!!
After this a lot of nonsense breaks out again…but that is okay…it seems to be something we have to endure from time to time. Other things are discussed, but nothing as groundbreaking as the revelation of Raynor’s first design.
Okay…here is my point. The talent, knowledge, and resources on this site are capable of accomplishing almost anything in regards to historical golf course architecture research. In this instance, George Bahto thought the greens look like Raynor’s but the course wasn’t attributed to him. Discussion ensued, articles were produced, game plans were discussed, and the evidence was finally discovered.
I really think if you guys work together like a team, more can be done for the good of architectural history. You guys will have to actually listen to one another and work together to accomplish some of this stuff. I know you can do it, if you want to.
If you choose to do something like this team effort, let me know. I would be happy to help out in any way that I can.
Anyway, 2 cents from Atlanta!
Great work guys!!!