Mark is right. All things being equal, even two slow 2balls should beat a 4ball. This is the primary reason 2ball clubs exist - speed of play. Though, some of these clubs are submitting to the lure of the visitor cash and have opened 4ball days. I spose you just get used to it - though I would like the option of 4ball sometimes during prime time.
At Burnham we have slots for 2, 3 and 4 ball play. I think at the moment 2 balls are up to 9:45ish, 2-3 balls up to 12ish and 2-4 balls after 12ish. To get round in the winter as a 4ball means you have to haul ass. Members try to stick to it. For instance, if its 3ball time, few want to go out as a 2ball because they know they could be held up. All this said, a member can get permission from the secretary for 4balls during 3ball time if things are quiet - meaning no comps or matches on. I like this system, but I can understand the American view of not having so many rules at leisure club. The Brits are a bit rule heavy which is a drag.