I played there in 206 & 7 and have never seen this, often referred to, "Insurance Form". Has it gone, and if so does anyone know when?
I didn't realize the course was quite that old!!!

Tony hides the years well. He was lucky to get to North Berwick in 206, since this meant crossing Hadrian's wall. Early English courses, of course, did not start to appear until the Romans left in circa 400 AD.
I was primarily educated in American public schools, meaning that I know little to nothing of world history. So, to clarify:
-Isn't Hadrian's wall in China?
I hope to see you stateside someday soon, Sir Mark.
The emperor Hadrian, being smarter than your average Roman, worked out that there was nothing north of what is now the English border capable of being civilised, so built a wall, from the Wesrt to East coast of Northern England to keep the barbarians out. Much of the wall still remains. Indeed, as I type I am onl a couple of miles from the town (now more a suburb of Newcastle upon Tyne) of Wallsend, where, as may be obvious from the name, the wall ended at its Eastern end.
I'm working on that trip to the States. I'm probably going to be in Boston in May, for a conference, but whether I can swing a trip to California in the same visit is a big issue. It's on my list, however.
Thank you for assuming I was being serious, Mark. I forgot the smiley face to indicate the facetious intent of my last message, but I would (sadly)probably be in the majority of my American generation if I truly had little to no knowledge of Roman history.
I'll be a bit tied up in May, what with the getting married and all, but the King's Putter is coming at the end of that month!
Scott, James, Ian, Greg, et al.,
You're welcome! Thanks for the kind words and your own contributions to the DG!