My favourite hole on the entire course was the 7th. It's one of the rarest birds of all, a great uphill hole used to route your way out of a desirable opportunity. The tee shot from the upper back tee sets up a hell of a lot better than the lower one. The fairway is bowled shaped, reasonably wide and fairly straight forward unless you’re really aggressive with your line. The green is “fantastic” and the pin position does have an impact on where you need to play in from. I don’t see this hole as penal at all, particularly since one of our players played three comfortable irons (wind was an issue for us getting home in two) and made the putt for par. There’s lots of room for alternative play outside the neck in the landing zone.
You guys can whine about the blindness of the 8th all day, but it’s going to take an act of god to stymie your next shots since there are only a couple of small bushes in play and there’s no trees for a long distance. The green site is a great one and that to me always justifies a blind shot before. Once again two of us that laid back conservatively on both shots were rewarded with position. The players in our group who were aggressive found the bunkering which was nasty. You all must admit, this is a stellar green site.
The 9th is not the least bit blind, it simply slides away to the right and asks you to play aggressively or well right for position. It may not look comfortable to the eye, but it’s not actually a hard shot. Once again the player in our group who played the prudent shorter shot played an easy and comfortable approach in. The green site is beauty with that super deep pot bunker on the left front complicating all but a very well placed shot up the right. One of the most endearing parts about the green is how you can hit short and run a shot into the green. Something those ladies, whom you worried about, would take full advantage of.
So looking at these three holes I see three really great greens that require some thought and care with your approach shots. I’ll concede you the one awkward blind shot over the dune. I still liked all three even if others did not.