This is supposed to be an
iris? I don't get it. He is one of my favorite artists; really he is. But this "iris" has always bothered me, along with a few of his others. It doesn't even look like a real iris. What is with the jagged edges and the flecks of red and brown and orange? Looks more like
a ripped-and-used-blue-hanky than an iris. And why is everything outlined in dark blue, even what I guess are supposed to be grean leaves? Green leaves with dark blue outlines? And is that supposed to be another "iris" in the upper right, or is it a big, crooked "B?" Maybe it is a joke? A "B" instead of painting a bee? Or maybe he forgot his name?
But that's another issue. As for the supposed "iris," it's as if he outlined first, then filled it in, like a small child. I guess that is what he did at the asylum-- finger paint. And the background-- did the asylum have a surplus of the puke yellow finger paint? And what about the composition, or should I say lack thereof? It is all just iris. Or dirty hanky. I am not even sure, but either way it doesn't look real to me.
Anyway, it is nothing like nature. He should have never painted it, or made it smaller, or at least made it better. It doesn't fit.
No. I've got to say. I love his work, but this
"iris" just doesn't make any sense to me at all. What am I missing?