Guys...GREAT posts! Even the private ones that expressed their, uh, um...I'll just say "displeasure" with my post.
Regarding Anthony's post (and others similar to it), I would like to make a comment on...
Golf to me is a gentlemens game and by trying to adopt the principles of this gentlemens game, my attitude, behavior, and life have been transformed for the better. For sure, we are all human and I curse, get angry, and behave poorly from time to doubt about it. But I am trying to make an effort to get better...and it is working. I think Ghandi said something like; be the change you want to see in the world. Well, I'm giving it a shot.
And the vast majority of people I have encountered have responded positively to this. However, there are some that react in a negative way. But what I've found is that if you dig deeper and get to know them a bit, there is usually a reason for it. And if you can then reach that person who was initially negative with respect and kindness, they usually turn the corner and become the biggest and best advocates for the cause.
Anyway, I just want to say that I love this site and I love the game of golf. I am 100% sincere in this claim. I don't like the game a lot or think it is ok. I love it!!! And the people I've met through this site, played golf with, talked with on the phone, have all been first class to me, and if there is anything I can ever do for them...they know where to find me. If you love and respect this game, you are a friend of mine...whether we've met or not and regardless of whether we see eye to eye on all the issues.