I think everyone here is assuming you may not to want to spend money that you may actually have and DO want to spend on a real putting green. If you have the money, willing to invest in a real one by all means do it. If you are considering it but have the idea in your head that you may be able to work out a deal with the local golf course for some extra product or free services dont even consider it. I have never seen a golf course superintendent take on this himself when he has assistants to delegate it to that could use any extra cash they can get. You could probably get an assistant or crew worker by a near by course to mow every other day and change cups for a few Ben Franklins a month.
I just finished my 9th putting green design/build in Calabasas, Ca not to long ago. Here in Southern California everyone wants a real putting green in their backyard. Ive been averaging 2 a year for the last 4 years. Word of mouth and everyone keeping up with the Jones' is amazing! Ive gotten into such big projects that I had to get licensed and start my own LLC so I was legal. I even have 2 more planned for the winter and spring.
I set it up where I design and build it. Use the maintenance crews from like Riviera or LACC to do it. And then I choose someone from the crew to maintain it. They mow, roll, topdress, spray etc.. The amount that I set up for the client to pay monthly covers the guys labor and product needed, that way they never need to worry about getting charity from the local golf course. I also include a backlapper in the final cost of the green so we can keep the mowers cutting good all the time and then if we need to grind reels the local Toro and John Deere dealerships will do a mower for next to nothing if we drop it off.
Here's some pics from my latest one that I did for a pretty famous client. Its about 2500 square feet. USGA green. Tyee Bentgrass. And I installed lights in the low lips of the bunkers that are connected to a photosensor, sun goes down and the faces light up.