Thanks for the welcome. I've followed your's as well as other's amateur careers as I'm from the same era as you. I played in a few boys (Leinster & Irish) championships in 1986-87, but I'm afriad I was pretty useless. Triumphs in the Irish Close, West and East of Ireland championships; very impressive!
I wasn't aware you were in the golf design business until I came across your web site a few months ago.
It's wonderful for you to be able to play golf to such a high standard as well as work in golf course architecture. Let's hope things pick up soon.
It's a nice sunny day here in Sweden, but very co-co-coooold.
Yes I'm Irish, but it's not as fancy as it sounds. My surname is Kelly, but my father registered me in Irish as he's a native Irish speaker. My brothers and sister have the Kelly surname, while mine is Ó Ceallaigh. That'll be a hard one for my offspring's offsping's etc. to figure out when they're doing research on their geneology.
I was once asked by an air hostess if I was Hawaiian.
Figure than one out!
Thanks for the welcome. Bundoran is a tough one in the wind.